Babelio user reviews integration on Primo

The Renouvaud network includes over 150 academic, research, school and public libraries in Vaud, Switzerland. Their public catalogue runs on shared instances of the ExLibris Alma/Primo library services platform.

Babelio is a platform used by 1.8 milion users to share reader reviews, ratings and citations. This data can be used to enrich library catalogues through the Babelthèque service.

I developed a custom Primo module for integrating data from the Babelio API on the Renouvaud catalogue for public and school libraries. The resulting code is freely available on GitHub.

The module was developed using a local development environment, before being tested in a sandbox and deployed to production.

School and public library in Orbe, Switzerland

School and public library in Orbe, Switzerland



  • Web Development
  • JavaScript
  • AngularJS
  • PHP
  • Discovery portal
  • Documentation
